Global Expenses transparently manages all types of non-productive expenses

Web Platform that allows the Integral Management of all Expenses made by Cash, Credit Card and/or Suppliers in Checking Account.
Manages Digitized Images of Receipts.
It links the Users with the Cost Centers and the Items with the Accounting Accounts, for the correct allocation of the Expenses and their automatic accounting in the ERP (via txt or web service).
Web application, fully Customizable.
Dynamic Workflow.
Dashboard and Custom Reports
Automation of administrative processes such as accounting of expenses.
It streamlines the Process of Request, Surrender, Approval, Settlement and Control of Expenses.
Master Module for the management of the solution (Definition of User Profiles, Administration of Cost Centers, Accounting Accounts, Items,
Concepts, Setting Parameters, Generation of Standard Reports, Settlement of Expenses, Generation of Accounting Files, etc.).
Security and Audit Module for the validation of Workflows and procedures provided from the Master Module.
Policy Audit + Documentary Control (Full or Sample, Optional).
How does it work?
User uploads all expense vouchers in the application.
The platform guides the employee to complete their expense reporting in an intuitive way.
Once the upload is finished, the approval is sent to the superior, together with a summary that indicates if there is any deviation in the surrender. The user receives a form with a barcode to enclose in an envelope with all the expense vouchers.
The envelope is sent to the internal audit.

The approver receives an email with a link to access the platform and carry out the approval.
The approver displays a dashboard that allows verifying if corporate policies are being met and if there are deviations.
Approved deviations must be justified within the platform.
The approved expenses are available to be charged.
Where appropriate, they enable the replacement of cash to the employee who submitted the surrender.
The unapproved expenses are rejected and returned to the user to make the corresponding discharge or are canceled.

The vouchers submitted can be audited internally in the company, or ABSSA can be hired.
The vouchers are submitted within the platform to a document control matrix.
The negatives are observed and made available to the different authorization levels.
All vouchers are digitized within the platform.
The system manages a current account of expenses for each file, indicating the cash replacements to be made and/or the corresponding discounts for non-compliance with policies.

Access portal for Suppliers.
Request for services to Suppliers online.
Confirmation of benefits in real-time.
Control panel of services provided authorized to the bill.
Provider selector by intelligent logic that allows assigning services according to the rate table and/or percentage of jobs in progress. looking for the best cost-benefit alternative.
Concentration of services provided in a single invoice, but with the ability to make the corresponding imputations by cost center, item or service, facilitating administrative processes

The system is parameterized with the central management system of the company. In this way, the following operations are carried out automatically:
Accounting allocations
Imputations in Cost Center
Cash replenishments to staff
Control of Credit Card expenses
Any other imputation and/or transfer of information that at the request of the client the integration between the systems is required.

Transparent allocation of resources and identification of Users.
From the use of the budget, the system identifies the deviations (by Area, Sector, Cost Center and/or Person).
It centralizes information and decentralizes operational tasks.
Generate historical data.
It simplifies the processes of loading, approval, control, settlement and accounting, reducing times and improving the link between the areas.
Digitization of associated documents.
It lets you know what you're spending on and also identifies spending approvals by exception.
Improvements obtained by our clients
Reach 100% of the submitted expense reports.
It does not exceed 3% of the total Exception Approved Expenses (those that do not comply with the Company's Policy, such as Invalid Tax Receipts, Loss of Receipts, etc.).
18% reduction in spending on kilometers and meals.
25% decrease in Remises Spending.
Reach 100% in the correct allocation of Travel Expenses (Air Tickets, Hotels, Transfers, Third Party Expenses not linked, etc.).
Applications that integrate the solution

Travel Management,
Diets and Expenses Reports
Request, Approval, Control and Imputation of expenses and per diem made by Own Personnel and / or Third Parties (Cash, Credit Card and / or Suppliers in Cta. Cte.).

Administration of
Fixed funds
It allows the consolidated Administration of all Fixed Funds and / or Small Boxes

Travel management
Request, Approval, Control and Imputation of all expenses associated with Travel made by employees (Tickets, Hotels, Transfers, others).

Centralized management of the taxis and the Provider Companies. It operates from the travel request itself to the agency, assigning them according to the best current rate, allowing sharing trips that have the same origin or destination within a time range. Automatic posting by CC or Accountant
Management of all non-remunerative Benefits granted to Personnel (Advances, Refunds, Assets in Loan, others)
Administration of
staff benefits

Advance request management
Manage and manage cash advance requests for both Fixed Funds and Corporate Travel or personal requests. Has an approval and posting workflow

It facilitates the organization of all the expenses of the corporate cards of your company, allowing to decentralize the operation, centralize the control and carry out the automatic accounting by accounting account or cost center.
Administration of
corporate cards
Record of the different consumptions within the Dining Room (Own and Third Party Personnel, Type of Consumption - breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, Quotas by Profile, Consolidated Reports, etc).

Dining room management
in plant
Management of control and monitoring of the use of company vehicles (Corporate, Private, others).
Administration of
vehicle fleet